
Chapter З- Principles of TRIZ (theory of solving of inventory tasks) and application of it to the designing of the equipment for bumblebees

Most of inventions in the history of engineering were made by the trial- and-error method, the efficiency of which is very poor. But in the middle of the XX century a new revolutionary method was developed in Russia by G.SAItshuller.

He formulated the main principles of TRIZ (abbreviation of Russian expression «theory of solving of inventory tasks»). This system contains the algorithms and procedures, which accelerate the very process of inventing. Initially TRIZ was dealing only with machinery, but then it appeared that these approaches are valid for chemical, biological and even social systems (e.g. marketing, management, pedagogy, PR, etc.). It appeared that TRIZ methods are very helpful to create various equipment for bumblebees and to solve some ecological problems, which bumblebees face in the contemporary world. Regrettably TRIZ concentrated its attention mostly on non-living systems until now, and the peculiarities of biological systems and their limits in comparison with non-living ones are obvious. Yet our attempt to apply this approach to the field of work with bumblebees appeared to be successful and promising.
  1. SAItshuller has formulated the basic list of principles, which can produce practically any invention (according to his oppinion). These principles are the following.
  1. A principle of fragmentation.
  2. A principle of externation.
  3. A principle of local quality.
  4. A principle of asymmetry.
  5. A principle of association.
  6. A principle of universality.
  7. A principle of «matryoshka» (sequential inserting of elements in one another).
  8. A principle of anti-weight.
  9. A principle of pre-stressing.
  10. A principle of pre-executing.
  11. A principle of previously arranged pillow.
  12. A principle of equipotentiality.

13-А principle «to make vice-versa».

  1. A principle of spheroidality.
  2. A principle of dynamism.
  3. A principle of redundant or partial solution.
  4. A principle of transition to another dimension.
  5. Utilization of mechanical vibrations.

19- A principle of periodicity of action.

  1. A principle of uninterruptedness of useful action.
  2. A principle «convert damage into benefit».
  3. A principle of feed-back or self-regulation.
  4. A principle of mediator.

24- A principle of self-serving.

  1. Cheap disposability instead of expensive durability.
  2. Substitution of mechanical scheme.
  3. Utilization of pneumo- and hydroconstructions.
  4. Utilization of flexible membranes and thin films.

29- Utilization of porous materials.

  1. A principle of changing of colour.
  2. A principle of homogeneity.
  3. A principle of discarding and regeneration of elements.
  4. Changing of physical and/or chemical parameters of the object.
  5. Utilization of heat expansion.
  6. Utilization of oxidators.
  7. Utilization of inert atmosphere or vacuum.
  8. Utilization of composite materials.

Application of these principles, and also procedures and methods of TRIZ gave the possibility not only to invent the equipment and techniques for bumblebees, but it is a powerful instrument to solve the problems of investigation and invention in this field in the future.

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Источник: Богатырев Н.Р.. Прикладная экология шмелей. — Новосибирск: Изд-во Городского центра развития образования,2001. — 160 с.. 2001

Еще по теме Chapter З- Principles of TRIZ (theory of solving of inventory tasks) and application of it to the designing of the equipment for bumblebees:

  1. Chapter 1. Field equipment for studies of bumblebees
  2. Chapter 4. Supra-organismic bionics (ecological engineering) and bumblebees’ protection
  3. 7.4. Способность животных к оценке знаний и намерений других особей {^theory of mind»)
  4. Conclusion: Cultural background in the engineering ecological measures planning
  5. Introduction. The contemporary state of bumble beekeeping
  6. Холдейн, Фишер и значение отбора
  7. Неодарвинизм и популяционная генетика
  8. Методика обработки траекторий.
  9. Литератур
  10. Портал "ПЛАНЕТА ЖИВОТНЫХ". Кто ты, собака?, 2010
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